The dissolution of prize competition TM tactics # 19

"Not possible".

If A determines 5 or 6, all the horses will pass the finish line. There will be no change of order. Green will win the race.

If A determines an 11, the handicap rule becomes valid for the first three horses (Green, Red, Yellow). They are not allowed to move 11. However, they can choose to go 5 or 6. Green will move 5 straight ahead making Grey able, to go 11 on the inner lane. Then Red has no choice but move also straight ahead. Yellow will move 5 straight ahead to block Blue. In this case Blue is only able to change lane with the first move. A further lane changing to pass the leading horses is not possible, as Blue can only move 5 squares straight ahead after the first lane changing. A further lane changing takes but 6 squares straight ahead.

If Green or Yellow move 6 squares, Blue could change lane twice and would win the race. If Green takes the inner lane, Blue also would win, no matter how the other horses will move. However, these possibilities are not probably according to the situation.

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