The dissolution of prize competition TM tactics # 17

One of the cards give Red the possibility to make sure that Yellow will not pass him..

If Red plays a 10, the horse is to move 7 squares. Lane changing is possible not until the 7th square. This is a must be, because horses are to move as far as the card which has been played allows to. A further lane changing is not allowed, which leads the move to an end after 7 squares. So Yellow can in the maximum only move 6 squares to the inner lane. Lane changing to the outer lane is not possible for Yellow, because the first chance for changing lane with the first square diagonally is blocked by Black. Additional Yellow is blocked on his own lane by Red going in front of him. So there are only 5 squares straight ahead with no possibility to pass Red.

If Red plays a 6, the lane can not be changed, because Yellow blocks the first square diagonally. In this case Yellow would pass Red by playing just a 7.

If Red plays a 12, he would not move at all, because this card does not correspond to the Handicap of a horse in third position.

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