The dissolution of prize competition MC tactics # 11

The Special Die is not allowed.

The inner lane is blocked after five squares by the solid line and second blue car. The outer lane is blocked at its end by the solid line and the first blue car. So Red in the maximum has got only 9 squares to go. Red starts the move on a light grey square which allows him to take all of the three dice. The maximum length with three dice is 15 squares. This leads to a high probability for a crash. Therefore Red can choose a lower risk by going ahead with only two dice with a maximum length of 12 squares. But even then a risk remains. To avoid this, Red is supposed to choose only one die. In this case there is no risk at all, which excludes the allowance of rolling with only the special die. If Red rolls more than a 1, the red car will be blocked and is allowed to take the special die. The best roll for Red is a 4 by moving to the left lane, because with the next move Red can go nearly dangerously with two dies.

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